Friday, September 21, 2007

Looking back a month ago, I was just coming to end of my stay in Norway. What a stunning country! Thanks must go to Statoil, who on many a rainy day allowed you to get free refills of coffee at their stations, we didn't know whether you were supposed to buy fuel as well! Also, Chris, Rich, Eddie, Guy, Matt and the DUCC guys which I did some great boating with. Without their help, I would of been stuggled to get all my stuff sorted. Also thanks to the Voss guys, Gunvor, Froda, Hendri, Taboya for their hospitality. At the centre, I learnt alot from the guys that had been there, done that, got the T-shirt, Mikey, Al, Andy and all the other guys there which make the centre what it is. Greg, Benji, Christie, Roberto, Jose, Anita, tak fur toren! Lastly, in this oscar style thank you speech, a mention to the Raundal, Myrkdal, Straundal and Brandseth rivers, which without, Voss wouldn't quite be the same place :) Some of my now favourite sections of river are around there now; it was an absolute pleasure to share them.

Arty or blurred?

See above